
Winter Registration Now Open!

With over 40 different classes each week to choose from, at all hours of the day, in every time zone, you won't want to miss out on WebYeshiva's Winter Semester, beginning October 18th.  

Join hundreds of students from all over the world who have already discovered meaningful Jewish learning conducive to their schedule, at the premier center for live, fully-interactive, online Torah learning! 

Whether you decide to take one class a week or several classes a day, with topics in Halacha, Chumash, Gemara, Jewish Philosophy, Chassidut, Prayer, and more, you can tailor your learning schedule to suit your own needs and interests.

Click here to view the full schedule of classes

Make Jewish learning an integral and accessible part of your life.  Visit to start choosing your classes.
Serious Torah for Serious Learners

In addition to our regular classes this coming Winter Semester, WebYeshiva will be offering a new series of "Matmidim" classes, intended for committed students. 

Four new, daily Gemara classes will be beginning this Winter Semester, which starts October 18th.  Based on a vision for a more serious, yeshiva-like focus, WebYeshiva will be offering both beginners and  advanced classes in the evenings according to North American time zones, and beginners and advanced classes in the evenings according to European and Israeli time zones. 

The Matimidim classes will include both standard classes 3-4 times weekly, as well as private student-teacher tutorials on a rotational basis, with the aim of helping dedicated students to deepen their commitment to Torah learning and to progress in their scholarship. 

Based on the same model, a Matmidim class just for women, in Oral Law, will take place three days a week with additional tutorials. 

We hope that this new model will encourage students to increase their level of commitment to their learning as much as they are able, and to take advantage of the wealth of resources available to them through our technology and outstanding teachers.

For more information, and to register now, click here.
Spirituality for Beginners
Take the opportunity to introduce yourself to the rich heritage of Jewish learning at a level and pace that's right for you. 

Designed for thinking adults who are interested in finding more meaning in their Judaism, Torah 101 at WebYeshiva uses advanced videoconferencing technology to enable you to learn with outstanding teachers from the ease and comfort of your own computer.

Starting October 13th, we'll be beginning a series on The Spiritual Core of Judaism.  The class will take a deeper spiritual and intellectual quest into the heart of traditional Judaism.  Teacher, Michael Levin, will focus on the "big picture" that many people who are interested in learning about traditional Judaism crave - the spiritual core of the religion that underlies all of the practices, studies, and beliefs.

The class takes place Tuesday nights at 9 PM Eastern time.  For more information, and to register, click here.